中非眼健康发展论坛以“Sight for Africa”为主题,共同探讨如何整合多方资源应对非洲严峻的防盲形势,以及采取何种策略提升非洲国家眼健康整体服务能力,推动非洲国家防盲治盲水平。
会议时间:2018年8月18日(星期六) 13:30-17:30
Date: 18 August, 2018 (Saturday), 13:30-17:30
Venue: China National Convention Center, Beijing, China (Room 308)
内容 Content | 时间 Time | 发言嘉宾 Speaker |
来宾接待(地点:308会议室外) Guests Reception(Venue: Outside the Meeting Room 308) | 12:30-13:30 | |
主持人:何伟 Host: Wei He 联合主持人:MOH representative, Bob Ranck, Kgao Legodi Co-Host: MOH representative, Bob Ranck, Kgao Legodi | ||
致欢迎辞 Opening remarks | 13:30-13:45 | George Smith Kgao Legodi MOH representative |
1. IAPB: 全球防盲挑战 IAPB: Global Challenge of Prevention and Treatment of Blindness | 13:45-14:00 | Janos Nemeth |
2. 中国防盲战略及主要进展 Strategies and Progress of Prevention and Treatment of Blindness in China | 14:00-14:15 | MOH representative |
3. 非洲地区眼病概况、眼健康人力资源现状 Current Situation of Eye Diseases and Eye Health Workers in Africa | 14:15-14:30 | Aaron Magava |
4. 国际奥比斯在非洲地区实施策略 Strategies in Africa of ORBIS International | 14:30-14:45 | Bob Ranck |
5. 非洲眼科学会能够发挥的作用及实施策略 AOC’s Role in Prevention and Treatment of Blindness in Africa | 14:45-15:00 | Kgao Legodi |
茶歇 Tea Break | 15:00-15:30 | |
6.从卢旺达到中国,助力世界更清晰的看见。 From Rwanda to China and beyond, Helping the World to See Clearly | 15:30-15:45 | Jennifer Chen |
7. 眼健康的政治经济学意义及对防盲治盲工作的影响 The Political Economy of Eye Health and its Impact on the Prevention of Blindness | 15:45-16:00 | Kunle Hassan |
8. 撒哈拉以南非洲地区眼科项目发展的机遇 Opportunities for Eye Programme Development in Sub-Saharan Africa | 16:00-16:15 | Deon Minnies |
9. 中国创新防盲模式及国家卫计委防盲治盲培训基地介绍 Innovative Mode in Blindness Prevention in China & National Training Base for the Prevention and Treatment of Blindness of China | 16:15-16:30 | 何伟 Wei He |
10. 眼科智慧医疗设备现场演示 Demonstration of Wise Medical Equipment | 16:30-16:45 | Sabrina Duquesnoy, Mohammed Abdulmalek Mused |
11. 埃塞俄比亚代表分享 Current Situation and Challenge in Ethiopia | 16:45-16:55 | Daniel Burssa |
12. 卢旺达代表分享 Current Situation and Challenge in Rwanda | 16:55-17:05 | Ciku Mathenge |
13. 讨论并分享 Group Discussion | 17:05-17:25 | |
14. 总结 Conclusion | 17:25-17:30 | 何伟 Wei He |
19 August (Sunday)
Field Visit in Shenyang: National Training Base for the Prevention and Treatment of Blindness, China Eye Industry Base
内容 Content | 时间 Time | 地点 Location |
参观国家卫计委防盲治盲培训基地 Visit National Training Base for the Prevention and Treatment of Blindness | 11:30-12:00 | 国家卫计委防盲治盲培训基地National Training Base for the Prevention and Treatment of Blindness |
参观中国眼产业基地 Visit China Eye Industry Base | 12:00-12:20 | 中国眼产业基地 China Eye Industry Base |
午餐 Lunch | 12:40-13:40 | 华夏民俗村 Huaxia Nationalities Village |
参观沈阳何氏眼科医院 Visit He Eye Specialists Hospital | 14:40-15:10 | 何氏眼科医院 He Eye Specialists Hospital |
研讨会 “Sight for Africa” Workshop | 15:10-16:10 | 何氏眼科医院 He Eye Specialists Hospital |
市卫计局主要领导接见并签署合作意向 Reception of Shenyang Health and Family Planning Commission officers and signing of MOU | 17:30-18:30 | 辽宁友谊宾馆2楼会见厅 Liaoning Friendship Hotel-2F Meeting Room |